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Prevention capsules

Hot Ashes: Preventing fire risks
Hot ashes may seem harmless, but they can be quite dangerous. Whether you're using a fireplace, a wood stove, or a barbecue, it is important to understand and follow proper ash-handling practices. […]

The primary factors influencing auto insurance premium increases
Insurance consumers are empowered when they possess the confidence and understanding needed to make informed decisions about their coverage and effectively manage the insurance process. […]

Cyber security
The importance for a business to be vigilant about data protection […]

Effondrement dû au poids de la neige (Only in French)
La saison froide apporte bien souvent son lot de problèmes… En particulier, le poids de la neige sur les toitures, surtout lorsque celle-ci est mêlée à des précipitations liquides, peut causer des dom […]