
Cyber insurance endorsement
The technological constraints related to a company’s business activities may put it at risk of cyber-attacks or data breaches thus affecting daily operations. Optimum is, therefore, pleased to provide coverage to protect you from such attacks in the digital space.

The Optimum advantage
Cyber-attacks are increasing in frequency and complexity, and the costs related to the return to normalcy are skyrocketing. The measures taken to counter a cyber-attack can define how you do business and may even threaten the sustainability of your operations. Ask your independent broker for more information about Optimum’s cyber-risk coverage!
Data compromise
Subject to admissibility, Optimum can cover up to $1,000,000 for data compromise. This coverage offers protection for the assessment of the nature and the extent of the data breach, access to professional legal advice, the cost of notices to be sent to affected customers, and certain other services to these same clients.
It is also possible to obtain coverage for Defense and Liability. This coverage provides for, amongst other things, the costs of defense from any prosecution against you in case of a data breach.
You may be eligible for CyberOne coverage, with a limit of up to $100,000, offering protection against computer attacks and network security liability. Following a cyber-attack, this coverage will compensate you for data recovery, system recovery, operating losses, public relation communication services and costs associated to rebuilding your database.
Furthermore, in the case of prosecution following a data breach, the unintentional spreading of unwanted malware or a denial of service attack, this coverage will cover the costs related to the defense and settlement.
Find a broker to obtain a quote.

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